Ultimate Location of Business Demographics in Indonesia

Ultimate Location of Business Demographics in Indonesia

Are you an entrepreneur or a company planning to open a business in Indonesia? If yes, then it’s essential to understand the business demographic in Indonesia based on location.

With over 270 million people, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. This article provides you with an overview of the business demographic in Indonesia based on location to help you make informed decisions when opening your business.

– Java Island: A Diversified and Competitive Market

Java Island is the most populous island in Indonesia, with over 141 million people. The island’s economy is the most developed and diversified in the country, with industries such as manufacturing, services, and agriculture. If you’re planning to open a business in Java Island, you’ll have a large customer base and access to a well-developed infrastructure. However, the competition can be intense, as many businesses are already established in the region.

– Sumatra Island: A Rich and Diverse Market

Sumatra Island is the sixth most populous island in the world, with over 50 million people. The island’s economy is primarily driven by the manufacturing and agricultural industries. The region is also rich in natural resources, such as oil, gas, and coal. If you’re planning to open a business in Sumatra Island, you’ll have access to a large market and a diverse customer base. The region’s natural resources also present potential opportunities for businesses in the mining and energy industries.

– Kalimantan Island: A Market with Potential Opportunities

Kalimantan Island, also known as Borneo Island, is the third largest island in the world and is home to over 16 million people. The region’s economy is primarily driven by the mining, energy, and forestry industries. The island is also rich in natural resources, such as coal, oil, and gas. If you’re planning to open a business in Kalimantan Island, you’ll have access to a large market in the mining, energy, and forestry industries. However, the region’s infrastructure may not be as developed as other regions in the country, and the transportation costs can be higher.

– Sulawesi Island: A Market with Opportunities and Challenges

Sulawesi Island, also known as Celebes Island, is home to over 19 million people. The region’s economy is primarily driven by the agricultural, fishing, and mining industries. The region is also rich in natural resources, such as nickel, gold, and copper. If you’re planning to open a business in Sulawesi Island, you’ll have access to a large market in the agricultural, fishing, and mining industries. However, the region’s infrastructure may not be as developed as other regions in the country.

– Bali Island: A Highly Competitive Market

Bali Island is a popular tourist destination in Indonesia, attracting millions of visitors each year. The region’s economy is primarily driven by the tourism industry, with businesses such as hotels, restaurants, and travel agencies thriving in the region. If you’re planning to open a business in Bali Island, you’ll have access to a large market in the tourism industry. However, the competition can be intense, as many businesses are already established in the region.

Understanding the business demographic in Indonesia based on location is crucial when opening a business in the country. By understanding the business landscape in each region, you’ll be able to make informed decisions and increase your chances of success. Whether you’re planning to open a business in Java Island, Sumatra Island, Kalimantan Island, Sulawesi Island, or Bali Island, each region has its strengths and challenges. Good luck with your business venture in Indonesia!

Finansist International has sources of information and access needed by domestic and foreign entrepreneurs. As well as foreign companies wishing to invest in Indonesia. We can provide information resources for legal purposes and provide accounting and tax services for companies starting their business in Indonesia. Immediately schedule a free consultation at finansistinternational.com to plan your business in Indonesia. Also check our social media in this link for updates and promos.


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What you will get

  1. Calculation of monthly / annual income tax
  2. Filling in the SPT application
  3. Making Evidence of Withholding Taxes
  4. Monthly/annual Income Tax Reporting

Tax Planning

Make corporate tax planning so that the tax value paid by the company is precise and more efficient.

What you will get

Quarterly Investment Report

LKPM / PMA Report

Report the company’s investment transactions to the Indonesian Ministry of Investment every 3 (three) months.

What you will get

  1. Internal Auditor’s report regarding the current condition of the company, accompanied by an explanation of the potential risks that will be faced by the company
  2. Adjusting entries (for financial audit engagements)
  3. Recommendations for improvement on audit findings

Internal Audit

Carry out internal audit activities, both within the scope of financial audits, operational audits and compliance audits.

What you will get

Independent Auditor’s Report signed by a certified Public Accountant

External Audit

Carrying out General Audit/Financial Audit activities conducted by External Auditors from a Public Accounting Firm registered with the Indonesian Association of Public Accountants (IAPI).